Cervical screening or smears as it’s otherwise known, are very important and is recommended for all ladies/people with a cervix, from the age of 24 and 6mths , until 65yrs age.
You will receive a letter from the local health authority when your smear is due but please contact the surgery if you are in doubt when you last had one to ensure you keep up to date.
We understand that the procedure of cervical screening can cause some anxiety and embarrassment and result in some people delaying or declining to have the test done, so if you would like to know more about the procedure or ask some questions about the test then please contact the surgery and the nurse can help answer any concerns you may have.
Although cervical screening is a routine screening if you feel that you are experiencing any abnormal symptoms, i.e. irregular bleeding, abdominal pain, abnormal discharge, and are either under 24yrs and 6mths or between routine smear testing, then please contact the surgery and make an appointment to discuss these symptoms with one of the Clinicians.