Services for the disabled

The Practice will undertake an access audit on an annual basis in order to determine that our services for the disabled remain current and appropriate.

Patient facilities include:-

  • easy, level access and dedicated toilet facilities for the disabled at both sites
  • large font Practice LeafletĀ is available
  • clear signage
  • portable induction loops are available at all surgeries for patients who are hard of hearing
  • access for guide dogs and others assisting special needs

Disabled patients are able to make appointments using the email system as well as the telephone service and face to face access at reception.

If you feel you need extra help when visiting one of our sites, please phone ahead to advise and we will do our utmost to assist you.

Anyone requiring further information regarding our facilities and access can contact the Practice Liaison Officer on 01283 845555.

If you require any information in an accessible format, such as large print, Easy Read or Braille, please contact us on 01283 845555, in writing, or ask at the reception desk.